SATs tuition
Key Stage 1 SATs test tuition

How are Key Stage 1 tests conducted?
The Year 2 SATs are taken in a relaxed way, despite being a formal test. They aren't strictly timed because children aren't being tested for their ability to work at speed. Most children won't even be aware that they're being tested!
Teachers conducting the Key Stage 1 SATs tests can stop the tests at any time that they feel is appropriate for a particular child.
So how are the KS1 SATs used by teachers and schools?
Check children's ability against national averages
Measure what children have understood
See how children are retaining learning
Individual results can be given to parents at the end of the school year.

What's covered in the Key Stage 1 SATs papers?
There are a total of seven papers for the KS1 SATs.
English reading - two papers
Paper one consists of a selection of texts between 400-700 words with questions interspersed.
Paper two includes a 800-1100 word booklet and children answer in a separate booklet.
English spelling, punctuation and grammar - three papers
Paper one tests children's grammar and punctuation with a written task, with a stimulus for a short piece of writing. Handwriting is also tested in this paper.
Paper two tests grammar, punctuation and vocabulary with a mix of multiple choice and written questions.
Paper three is a 20 question spelling test.
Maths - two papers
Paper one tests children's arithmetic.
Paper two assesses your child's maths fluency, problem solving and reasoning through a variety of question types.

KS1 SATs Test Example Questions
Our experts have created a range of practice papers for the Key Stage 1 assessments to help children become familiar with the types of questions and build their core skills in maths and English.
Here is an example question:
Which word is the noun in the sentence below?
"The bird sang loudly."
Answer: bird

Getting help with Key Stage 1 SATs preparation
Whether you're looking for friendly advice, free workshops or maths and English tuition support, we're here to help your family prepare for the Key Stage 1 SATs with expert SATs tutoring.
Remember, the SATs are fleeting but the biggest challenge your child will face is the transition up to Key Stage 2 or junior school. We work with children all the way up to Year 9, so we can support families with each important step. Speak to the team at your local Explore Learning centre today!
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Key Stage 1 SATs Test FAQs
How are Key Stage 1 SATs marked?
Although the KS1 tests are set externally, they are marked by teachers within the school. As of 2016, children’s raw scores (the actual number of marks they get) will be translated into a scaled score. A score of 100 or more means a child is working at the expected standard, and a score below 100 indicates that a child hasn’t reached the government expected standard. The maximum score possible is 115, and the minimum is 85. Teachers are given conversion tables to translate their pupils’ raw scores into scaled scores, which they’ll then use to inform their teacher assessment. This means the score that your child is given may not be just the result they achieved in their SATs but a score based on SATs results, classwork and the teacher’s observations.
To meet government expectations, pupils must achieve 100 in their scaled scores. But this equates to different marks for each paper (maths; reading; grammar, punctuation and spelling) and can change each year.
When will I know my child's Key Stage 1 SATs results?
For Key Stage 1 SATs it is unlikely that you’ll receive your child’s actual SATs score unless you ask for them, but you will be told whether your child is working at the expected standard as part of their end of KS1 report.