Maths and English tuition



What are the SATs exams?

SATs are formal National Curriculum tests designed to assess your child's level against the national average. Students sit the tests at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. The tests help schools assess your child's understanding of multiple skills and concepts. The government uses the information to measure progress and help schools to maintain certain levels.

Does my child need SATs tuition?

Everything your child is doing at school leads up to the SATs exams. You can help by supporting them with their homework, reading daily, practising spellings and times tables whenever you can. If there are areas of difficulty that your child encounters during Key Stage 2, then consider Explore Learning tuition as a way to complement and support the work they are doing at school.

How can I help with SATs preparation?

There are four things you can do that will help your child in their upcoming exams.

  1. Practise mental maths

  2. Encourage your child to read

  3. Focus on problem-solving

  4. Work through SATs practice papers together.

What's the difference between KS1 and KS2 SATs?

Key Stage 1 SATs take place at the end of year 2. These are assessed and marked internally by teachers.

From September 2023 the KS1 SATs will become optional and offered at the school's discretion.

Key Stage 2 SATs mark the end of year 6. The results are published by the government. Students are assessed in a formal exam setting and tests are marked externally.

Both SATs focus on core maths and English skills.

Do you set homework?

We don't set homework but we do provide unlimited access to our learning resources so that your child can practise at home whenever they like.

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