Transition from Reception to Year 1
Guide your child through the reception to Year 1 transition. Explore Learning's tips for a smooth shift to more structured learning.

The transition from Reception to Year 1 is a massive step for your child. Helping them prepare for that step up can really help reduce their nerves, so they’re ready to unlock the joy of learning.
Compared to Reception, Year 1 is a more formal education environment. That doesn’t mean learning stops being fun, but children may be used to more play-based learning at this point. The transition from Reception to Year 1 goes beyond academic learning too, as children start to develop more emotionally and socially as they meet more children and face challenges in their education.
So, how can you help prepare your child for the transition from Reception to Year 1? Let’s take a look at some tips and ideas…
Tips to help your child prepare for the transition
When it comes to preparing your child for the transition from Reception to Year 1 there are a few simple steps you can take to help. Try these simple tips:
Talk about the changes. Explain to your child that they will be moving to a new classroom, learning new things and having a new teacher. Ask them if they have any questions about starting their first year of school and give them some reassuring answers.
Try some games and activities that can help them develop skills they need for Year 1, such as writing, counting, and reading.
Visit the school if possible before the new term starts. This will give your child a chance to see their new classroom and meet their new teacher. It will also help them to feel more familiar with the school environment.
Patience and understanding go a long way when it comes to getting your child ready for Year 1 learning. The transition from Reception to Year 1 can be a bit of a challenge for children. So encourage them to talk about their feelings and ask if they’re worried at all or if they’re anxious about the change. Let them know it’s okay to feel that way, and that you and their new teachers will support them.
For more tips on the transition from Reception to Year 1 and beyond, take a look at the keys to transitioning to a new school year.
Ideas for activities for children transitioning from Reception to Year 1
Games and activities can be a great way to help children with their anxiety about starting a new school year. These activities can be used to help take their mind off the transition from Reception to Year 1, but they can also help children develop skills they’ll need for their first year in school. Let’s take a look at some activity ideas…
Talk about and write down some information that may be a topic of conversation at the school, such as:
About me
My family
My friends
My pet
My favourite activities
Create a checklist for their school bag. This will help them to be more responsible and help them prepare their bag before each school day.
Practice telling the time with an analogue clock.
What should my child be doing at the end of Reception?
The curriculum becomes more structured as children transition from Reception to Year 1. To make sure children are ready for this structure, their Reception year should prepare them with some basic skills. We’ve outlined those skills below so that you can use them at home and they’ll feel more ready for Year 1.
Reading: Your child should be able to read simple sentences and stories with understanding. They should also be able to recognise and write most of the letters of the alphabet.
Writing: Your child should be able to write simple sentences that make sense. They should also be able to write their name and other familiar words, and their handwriting should be legible.
Maths: Your child should be able to confidently count to at least 20, and understand simple addition and subtraction. They should also be able to recognise and sort shapes.
Phonics: Your child should be able to decode simple words by blending the sounds of the letters together. They should also be able to read some common exception words.
Next steps for Reception to Year 1 learning
The importance of a smooth transition between Reception and Year 1 cannot be overstated, as it sets the foundation for a child's academic and social development.
A helping hand at home from Explore Learning
As your child gets ready for Year 1 they may benefit from some structured learning at home. With Explore Learning your child can benefit from online maths and English tuition, which can give them a great head start before they start school and help them feel prepared for the transition.
Learning from the comfort of their home, children will benefit from 1 on 1 tuition with our online tutors. They’ll also have unlimited access to our online learning tools in between sessions.
If you think your child could benefit from a head start before Year 1, why not book a free trial and find out how we can help?
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