Time to tutor? When to get a tutor for your child

Not sure when to get a tutor for your child? There are a whole host of reasons parents might be looking for maths and English tutoring sessions to boost their child’s confidence or help them at school. Yet one thing’s for sure, tuition is no longer just for those who are struggling.
How do you know if your child needs a tutor?
Here are some signs your child could benefit from a tutor…
Lack of confidence
Perhaps your child has lost their love for learning. If your child’s struggling with their confidence, a good tutor can support your child by encouraging a growth mindset, leading to a change in attitude towards their learning.
Time management
They may have concentration difficulties, find homework a chore, or find it tricky to get into a learning routine. Private tuition or online tutoring will provide regular tutoring sessions for your child to continue striving towards their academic goals.
Struggling to keep up
Every child learns at a different pace, so it’s common for children to get lost in the curriculum or stuck on particular skills. We offer tailored tutoring services as the perfect solution for bridging any learning gaps and getting your child back on track.
In need of a challenge
Does your child finish their homework too quickly? Have they become disengaged as a result? Tuition can stretch those who are eager to discover more and challenge those who need something to set their minds on, in order to keep progressing.
Additional needs
Whether your child has Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) or they need to be nurtured in a specific way, finding the right expert tutor to support them can encourage them to reach their full potential.
Anxiety around exams
Looking for a tutor to help take the pressure off of your child and support them with their exam preparation? An inspiring tutor can help your child to see the bigger picture, feel prepared, and can give them all of the tools they need to succeed in their exams and beyond.
If they have missed a lot of schooling
Whatever the reason may be, we understand that missing school or a lapse in home education can set children back in their learning journey. Look for a tutor that can support your child in catching up, at a pace that works best for them.
If the school has suggested it
Your child’s classroom teacher may have spoken to you about hiring a tutor, or advised in your school report that your child would benefit from extra support. Tutoring companies such as Explore Learning can work collaboratively with you as a parent and your child’s school and other educational professionals to create a hands-on approach. Together we can get them to where they need to be!
What age should you start tutoring?
Progress looks different for each child, and that means that private tutoring will look different for each child too! When deciding what age to get your child tuition, it’s important to consider both your child’s short-term and long-term academic needs.
For young children, tutoring may look different and could focus more on learning and communication skills rather than academic performance.
Children of all ages and abilities can benefit from the support of a tutor! Our tuition courses focus on short-term success, yet also helps to equip your child with the life-long learning habits and attitude that they will need to thrive in the classroom and beyond!

How much tutoring does my child need?
From 20 years of experience, we know that effective tutoring gradually builds children’s knowledge, skills, and confidence, helping them to feel prepared to transfer this attitude back into the classroom! Our brain can be thought of like a muscle, needing to be worked regularly to become as strong as possible and increase retention.
A study on Explore Learning by Reading University found that cumulative tuition hours had a positive effect on a child’s academic attainment with increased benefits seen after 6 months of tutoring.
Tutoring can and should vary for all families and their needs. We offer flexible memberships because we know that’s the right thing for your child’s progress. It’s the perfect balance between independent study and tailored sessions with an English and maths tutor.

When to start tutoring for 11 Plus and Entrance Exam preparation
It’s never too early to start preparing for the 11 Plus and grammar school Entrance Exams! In fact, a survey commissioned by Explore Learning found that on reflection, 99% of parents said that they would have liked their child to have started preparing earlier for an 11 Plus or Entrance Exam.
The 11 Plus and Entrance Exams contain topics and concepts, like Verbal Reasoning, which go beyond the national curriculum, and as such will be new for many children. So, why not get ahead of the curve with test prep?
From Year 4 children can join our 11 Plus tuition programme, which continues throughout Year 5, supporting them with the exam techniques and etiquette needed to succeed.
When to start tutoring for SATS
The SATs exams review how well every child has understood Key Stage 2 topics before advancing to secondary school. Many children will see the benefit of tutoring 12 months before their exams.
Key skills and attitudes needed include:
Time management
The earlier SATs tuition starts, the longer a tutor has to turn new approaches into genuine, long-lasting learning habits. So when SATs begin, children feel fearless in their approach!
When to start tutoring for secondary school
Starting secondary school can be incredibly exciting and daunting all at once.
The classroom environment requires students’ independent thinking, organisation, and ideas communicated in a range of ways, from essays and reports to presentations and debates. For some children, this can feel like a cataclysmic shift. So how can we prepare them for it?
Tutoring children long before secondary school begins means they relish their first few weeks and months of Year 7. Great tutors will coach children who are still in junior school on key behaviours for secondary learning, and not just knowledge.
Online tutors for kids
Online tuition opens up more accessibility options for you if you’re considering tuition for your child. If you don’t live within a manageable distance of a tuition centre, would struggle to fit visiting a centre into your schedule or just want more tuition time outside of your child’s in centre tuition, online tuition gives you the freedom and flexibility you and your child need. Online tutors for kids offer an affordable alternative or compliment in centre tuition. Your child will work with tutors through live video, and just like in centre tuition online tutors will help your child with tricky concepts and celebrate their successes.
Should I get a tutor for my child?
Our tutors empower children to develop self-esteem
The earlier children can adopt a fearless learning mindset, building a resilient approach, the easier they will overcome any type of challenge. Whether that’s starting new friendships, working with new teachers, or even catching their own bus to school.
Explore Learning tutors encourage fearless learning from the get-go, to support social and personal development as well as academics. We believe that a small amount of belief can lead to a lifetime of being fearless.
Give us a call for more advice and to discuss whether Explore Learning is the right fit for your family, speak to our expert team.
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