Recognising and celebrating diversity as a family

We are all different. Children begin to recognise this at a very young age. They notice what goes on around them as they listen, observe and explore. That’s why it’s never too early to start having conversations about the diverse, wonderful world that we live in.
In this blog we’ll explore how to recognise and celebrate diversity with your family.
Introducing the concept of diversity with your children
It’s important to introduce similarities and differences in a positive way and emphasise that just because things are different doesn’t make one thing better than the other.
For young children you could do this by talking about the differences in your pets, flowers in the garden, cars on the road etc. Talk about their size, colour, smell, what makes them different, what makes them the same. You’ll be amazed at how insightful some of the comments young children will have.
With older children you might talk about having different birthdays, missing teeth, different shoe sizes. Understanding how so many things within our world are alike and different helps to introduce the concept of how people are alike and different.
Just because things are different doesn’t make one thing better than the other.
Does that make anyone better or just different?
Understanding inequality
As early as children become aware of differences, they also develop an understanding of fairness. I’m sure you’ve had the conversations about whose slice of cake is biggest and why can’t they stay up 10 more minutes like their older sibling can etc. Children don’t like being treated unfairly so this is the ideal platform from which to discuss why our differences shouldn’t mean we are treated unfairly in society.
You could explain it like this: Imagine if everyone born in November was treated differently simply because of the day they were born. It’s something they have no control over and cannot change. It isn’t fair. This is how some people are treated because of the colour of their skin, gender, a disability, who they have chosen to love, or even where they live.
Creating a happier world
It may be scary as a child to learn that inequality is built into the structure of our society, especially if they feel that this could negatively impact their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Therefore, it is useful to reassure them that as the future generation they have the power to change the world! They can help shape it into a place that is accepting and celebrates diversity.
Kind hearts are much more important than our differences on the outside.
Remember to emphasise that they should not take the weight of the world on their shoulders. We’re all in this together and a problem shared is a problem halved!
Celebrating diversity in your home
As a role model to your children, you can lead by example and strive to have more exposure to different cultures in your home. Children are aware of the conversations we have, the people we speak to, and the media we choose to consume. With this in mind, having conversations about differences whether that be race, gender or disabilities with another adult (friend or family members) in your home will likely spark some questions from your children. It will show them that it is okay to discuss these topics freely and to sometimes have difficult conversations which enable us to better understand one another. You might want to try being mindful of the type of TV and social media content you watch, as another way to allow different cultures into your home and expose yourself and your children to different ways of thinking.
Bring different cultures into your home
Take a look at the list below as some ideas to bring different cultures into your day-to-day lives. Whether that’s through reading a story together or having a little boogie!
Music: The Return – Sampa the Great
Music: Legend – Bob Marley (age 10 and above)
Book: Race Cars
Book: Sulwe – Lupita Nyong’o (age 7 and below)
Book: Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History – Vashti Harrison (age 11 and below)
TV Show: Black-ish (age 12 and above)
TV Show: Magic Motown (age 10 and below)
Film: Akeelah and the Bee (for all the family)
Film: Coach Carter (age 15 and above)
Black History month
October marks Black History Month in the UK. Your children will likely be having conversations and lessons at school to raise awareness and celebrate the history and contribution of black people in our society. It’s a great time to talk about it at home. Why not have a read of some new books? We’ve put together a selection that you might find interesting. Download our reading list.
Trying out these small ideas can make big changes for your family when it comes to celebrating diversity. Be confident that your child can embrace different viewpoints, cultures, and races, alongside believing that they can achieve whatever they dream of.
We’ve also pulled together an activity pack to celebrate Black History month. You can download it here.

Celebrating diversity and Black History month at Explore
Throughout October at Explore, we are celebrating Black History month across all our centres. Aafia, our Enfield Centre Manager describes the importance of celebrating and embracing diversity in our centres.
"Growing up I always looked to those positive role models in my community who taught me what success can look like, no matter your race, religion, or culture. It fills me with such a sense of pride that we can provide these role models to the future generation! It is so important that everyone feels represented – children are especially influenced by those around them.
Here at Explore Learning we never take for granted the life lessons that can be learnt simply by being around a diverse range of people. As an adult, I am still learning every day. I am eternally grateful to our membership who have taught me such valuable lessons in different cultures, religions, and traditions. I have always believed that education is the key to success, and it is no different when it comes to diversity. Education of others allows us to be open-minded, kind, caring individuals who can lead through positive cultural awareness. We are excited to be celebrating Black History month in October and having great conversations with our members."
At Explore Learning we are committed to change. We will continue to strive towards a curriculum that we can be proud of. One that demonstrates diversity and educates children on tackling inequality.
To find out more, visit our centres located throughout the UK or chat to us online.
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