Recommended home-learning resources: Expert picks

Want to know where to go for great at-home learning resources?
With the recent school closures, online learning at home has never been so important. From YouTube videos to home learning packs – keep up with the national curriculum with our expert picks.
Here is a list of some of our favourite websites…
Khan Academy
Khan Academy has some of the best video tutorials for higher-level maths and science, plus loads more! Totally free access and there are educational home learning resources for parents too.
BBC Bitesize
It’s a classic! Aimed at UK children so it’s easy to find the appropriate resources for all key stages. BBC Bitesize covers a huge range of topics and subjects (even Mandarin!) Again, 100% free for children to use.
NRICH – Problem-solving maths
Want to encourage problem-solving, systematic working and teamwork in your children? NRICH have some amazing tasks and activities for children. We partner with NRICH every year in our National Young Mathematician’s Award and we are constantly inspired by every member of this team – who are all maths teachers now based at Cambridge University with a passion for developing great mathematical thinkers.
These tasks are best solved in a team, so if you are a grown-up joining in try and resist the urge to take over! NRICH also don’t publish ‘answers’, as there are several different ways to solve each of their tasks, but they do publish solutions that have been sent to them by other children! So have a go at a problem and you can share your way of working with young people around the country via their website!
Oxford Owls
Oxford Owls have lots of awesome free resources to support learning to read at home (including free e-books) as well as some links to reputable books you can buy. We also really like their ‘Jargon Buster’ for parents – helping you make sense of some of the terminology that Primary schools may use.
The School Run
This advice site for parents has everything from homework advice to grammar glossaries. The School Run has lots of free online elements to the site with optional paid-for online resources to download.
The Book Trust
The Book Trust’s top 100 books for children, arranged by age group with reviews of each book, to help parents pick the right books for their child.
Squeebles Spelling Test
Squeebles is an inexpensive app that can be downloaded with built-in spelling lists and the ability to create custom games and tests from a child’s own word list.
Mindfulness and Stress Management app for kids
Encourage your kids to Stop, Breathe and Think with this fun and easy to use app designed to help kids discover the superpowers of quiet, focus and more peaceful sleep.
Explorer Maths
As a member of Explore Learning, your child can log in to Explorer Maths and pick from a range of maths topics to practise. Ask a manager at your centre for your child’s login, choose your level and start earning golden stars!
We hope you find this list useful! Find more home learning activities to keep them engaged in our blog…
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