Finding safe summer activity clubs for your child

The summer is the perfect time to try something new with your children and there are ample activities on offer at local leisure centres, libraries, schools and local parks. Whether you seek summer clubs to break up the holidays or provide you with childcare to fit around work, they can be a great way to enrich your child’s mental and physical wellbeing.
Summer activities advice for parents
Before choosing to entrust your child with a holiday club, our Head of Safeguarding, Kate Turner, has the following recommendations:
“It’s important to look for a club or activity with a leader that takes the safety and wellbeing of your child seriously. Always check whether the club is accredited or affiliated to a body (e.g. a sports governing body or Ofsted) as this should mean they have the right safeguarding policies and procedures in place.”
You should never feel embarrassed to ask questions about how your child will be kept safe. This is something that all organisations working with children should welcome and expect. So when you’re considering activities this summer remember to ‘C.H.E.C.K.’
Top tips for finding safe summer clubs
Follow the C.H.E.C.K list:
C - Can staff care for your child in an emergency?
Ask about first aid procedures and find out how many people have full first aid certificates.
H - Do they have a history of delivering good quality activities?
Check independent review sites rather than just testimonials on their website.
E - Are they experienced and working in the correct ratio with young people?
The NSPCC recommends a ratio of 1 adult to 6 children for those aged 4-8 years.
C - Do they have DBS checks?
This is a criminal record check that helps employers decide if someone is suitable to work with children or vulnerable adults.
K - Do they have good knowledge of safeguarding responsibilities?
Look for safeguarding policies on their website and the details of their safeguarding lead or designated welfare officer.
If an organisation doesn’t fulfil all the items on your checklist then maybe they won’t be the right fit for you. If something doesn’t feel right talk to your local council who have an interest in ensuring that local activities are safe for all the people in their community.
We hope you have a fun-filled summer break ahead of you. If you need further advice, please speak to your Explore Learning centre managers. They undertake safeguarding training every year, complete regular Ofsted inspections and have enhanced DBS checks so will be able to explain all the things you need to look out for.