5 ways you’ll see progress in our parents’ meetings

Your parents’ meetings with Explore Learning are really important to help us tailor our maths and English programmes to your child, making sure they are continuing to achieve their goals in every session.
They’re also a great way for you to see how your child is progressing at every step of their membership…
But what does progress look like? Here are five ways you can see how well your child is doing:
Their average per cent of correct answers will fluctuate. When your child is getting above 70% of their work correct the level of their work will start to increase. This is where things start to get a bit tricker!
As your child’s work begins to get harder, you will see the percentage of questions they answer correctly drop. This is a good thing as it means we’re really challenging them to go above and beyond what they thought was possible! Consequently, you will see fluctuations in your child’s percentage scores throughout their membership and this is a great indicator that your child is mastering skills in every session.
The number of questions they can answer in a 15-minute programme increases. This is quite individual for each child but even an increase of 1 or 2 questions per 15 minutes is a really good indicator of progress. This will be shown in a progress graph or a manager can calculate this and talk you through the results.
Their accuracy will improve. You should see that mastery would increase also as it’s a measure of how consistently your child answers on a particular topic.
Their workings out will make sense! To start with, your child’s workbooks may look a little hard to decipher. You’ll know they are making progress when you see better working out – this could be simply a greater quantity, their notes are set out more neatly or with fewer mistakes. This shows that they are confident in tackling the topics. Likewise, their English working out book may show more evidence of planning or better note-taking.
Their handwriting has improved. You might look through their course books and see better quality writing. Depending on the child’s goals, that might mean neater handwriting; this could be that their letter sizes are uniform, it’s easy legible, or their use of spaces, full stops and other layout features are clear. You might also see that the pressure on the paper has improved so that it’s not a thick, dark pencil line where they have been pressing really hard, or not so light that you can’t read it.
It might be that their sentences are getting slightly longer and more complex, or they might be using more interesting or challenging vocabulary with fewer errors in spellings and punctuation.
If you have any questions about your child’s progress, your centre team are on hand to help and talk you through any aspects of the work your child is doing.
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